Posted by Billy Souders on 16th Apr 2015
Braided Line Tips
Spring is upon us and many of us have been waiting months to get back out on the water. As we begin to prep and buy new gear for fishing, we are stricken with the thought of buying new braided fishing line for all of our reels. The price of braided line continues to go up dramatically as companies urge us to change our lines more often. However, for a budget fisherman this is not feasible. I have great news for those fishermen! I have two quick and easy solutions to help ease the cost of fishing line.
The first tip is something that I can’t stress enough: do not use as much line when spooling it on. I typically will put on regular/cheaper monofilament line, filling the spool about 1/3 of the way. After that I use a Uni to Uni Knot to connect my braided line and the mono together. I will then spool about 100 yards or so of braid onto the reel.
The next tip is to basically re-use your braided line. What I mean by this is when you are thinking of changing your line, often times there is a lot of good line on the inner side of the spoil. By simply back-spooling it onto another reel you can save drastically on what is often still perfectly good line. First, cut off about the first ten yards of the worn line. Next, using a Uni to Uni Knot, connect the braid from your one reel to the next reel. Then, engage the free spool of the full reel and begin spooling the empty reel. It’s that simple!The biggest thing to consider is whether or not you feel comfortable having less of the main line on your reel. If you are like me, 100 yards of braid is more than enough when I fish the river or when I am flipping heavy cover. That is why I mostly only use the use the first tip that I offered up. However, I do know some people who prefer and are more comfortable with having more of the main line on their reels. That is where the second tip would be more applicable. I hope that this is as helpful to you as it has been for me. Until next time, be safe, be wise, and good luck.